Business and Human Right

Corporate responsibility to respect human rights is considered critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A concrete way that business can contribute to sustainable development is through human right due-diligence (HRDD).

HRDD can help business address risks with a view to mainstreaming corporate respect for human rights throughout their value chains. Addressing human rights in workplaces and value chains can finally enhance the overall business performance, too. Business benefits from the respect and remedy of human rights include: reducing legal and regulatory risk, strengthening reputation, protecting their license to operate, acquiring and retaining best talent, winning customers, and having competitive advantage at global markets. Being aware of this purpose, IBCSD in collaboration with relevant partners, such as Raoul Wallenberg Institute (RWI), PT AJA Sertifikasi Indonesia and the UNDP Indonesia conduct knowledge sharing and training events to promote the adoption of human rights among business sector. For example, in partnership with UNDP Indonesia, IBCSD conducted training sessions on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.